Siddha Vidyarthies

Siddha Vidya Receivers :- Those who got initiated into Siddha Vidya by His Holiness Swami Sivananda Parama Hamsa and follow  2,3 & Minimum for “Rules of Conduct of Siddha Vidyarthies” are known as Siddha Vidya Receivers

Siddha Vidyarthies :- Those who got initiated with Siddha Vidya by His Holiness Swami Sivananda Parama Hamsa and follow all the 30 rules from “Rules of Conduct for Siddha Vidyarthies” are known as  Siddha Vidyarthie.

Siddha Vidya Abhyasalayam :-  Siddha Vidya Abhyasalayam are now taken away as it has become unable to conduct under the (Siddha) Samaj. But there is nothing working in Siddha Vidyarthies joining together and establishing and conducing Siddha Vidya Abhyasalayam. When they do so, they should observe the following.

Siddha Vidyarthies should come to the Siddha Vidya Abhyasalayam daily and practice Siddha Vidya. For practicing it, no special day is necessary. But if it impossible for them to come daily, they should come and have the practice whenever they get leisure. At any rate everyone should come to the Alayam daily except those who are seriously bedridden by the attack of some disease or those who have to live in distant places, away from their permanent residence. But who are tied down by various urgent affairs, should come to the Alayam at least once in a week and have the practice there. Those who are unable to do so, should not be admitted into the Alayam. Those members who are not coming and having the practice at least once in a week should be dismissed from Siddha Vidya Abhyasalayam. But there is no Admission fee and Subscription in order to get admission into the Alayam. If any expenditure is to be met, it should be fulfilled by raising according to the ability of each members as determined in the Alayam. Siddha Vidya Abhyasalayam is established in order to Avoid bad conduct, bad speech, bad company etc., inherit good conduct, good speech, good company etc., make to get upward motion ( Urdhvagathi) to Jeeva, attain all good qualities and become good Visesha Jnanis ( Men of Divine Knowledge ). Those who are saying objection or obstruction to do so are people who dislike to do Iswara seva and who are devoide of the grace of God (Isware preethi). Therefore Such people are Chandalas (out-cast or panchamas) and they should not be admitted into Siddha Vidya Abhyasalayam. (refer rule 23 from “Rules of Conduct for Siddha Vidyarthies“)

Members of Siddha Vidya Abhyasalayam :- Those who got initiated with Siddha Vidya by His Holiness Swami Sivananda Parama Hamsa and follow all the 30 rules from “Rules of Conduct for Siddha Vidyarthies” and obtained membership in any Siddha Vidya Abhyasalayams are called Members of Siddha Vidya Abhyasalayam.

Rules required to get initiated into Siddhavidya

Siddha Vidyarthies, without considering either any disparity of caste and creed or honour and social status, should discard all of them and behave united with one and all as uterine brotherhood.

Those who have got initiated into Siddha Vidya are strictly forbidden from using intoxicants such as opium, ganja, toddy, arrack etc., stimulants such as beedi, cigar and cigarette, and snuff that causes obstruction to sound coming out through nostrils. The chewing of tobacco, nut and lime, which causes our mouth impure and dulls the power of digestion, must also be given up.

The corpses causing dullness and Thamoguna to the brain and various diseases to the body, that is, the life-gone and the life-destroyed corpses of creatures such as goat, fowl, fish etc., and the eggs containing embryo wherefrom life originates, should not be eaten.

Samajam and Siddha Vidhyarthies

The Samaj is the Tharavadu (Parentage) of Siddha Vidyarthies who follow strictly the “Rules of Conduct for Siddha Vidyarthies”. There are crores of people who have got initiated in Siddha Vidya and live throughout the world. The Samajam expects every citizen of the world to become Siddha Samajists or Siddha Vidyarthies.