
“Siddhasramam” is a new way of life and is an establishment of Swamiji without any bondage with worldly life and at the same time, with all the facilities.

This life is peaceful and within the rules and regulations of the Vedas.

Family of Asramam

Samaj is common family  and all are the members of the one family. Such of those members who wish to have any other relationship inside the asramam should be expelled at once. The life in the Asramam is united and independent.

Swamijis Order 30-6-110 (Rule 119)


Movement with Ex-Members of the Samaj

Samajists should not mingle with those who were sent out of the asramam for their own crimes or those who have left asramam for some reason or other of their own accord. If at all such man go to the asramam they can be given food. if they ask for it and should be made  to leave the premises then and there.

Those who were dismissed from the Samaj & those left the Samaj should not enter the premises.  If any one of them comes & wants food he may be given food outside the gate and left off.