
IT is due to lack of fellow-feeling or fellow-belife that people fall prey to fear and bribery, get immersed in unnatural bondages of family relation and suffer. Hence the samajam aims at fostering fellow-feeling and fello-belief-universal brotherhood. There are no such relations such as husband, wife, son, daughter etc, in the samajam. All are the children of one mother; all brethren.


A bride-free life is possible only through high morale and discipline. Hence strict discipline is observed in the samajam. Every day 8 hours are devoted for prayer-3a.m. to 5.20a.m.; 12noon to 2.20p.m.;6p.m. to 7p.m. and 7.30p.m. to 9.50p.m.; the rest is used for earning the livelihood. Diet is strictly vegetarian. Drinking liquors, taking intoxicants such as opium, ganja etc.; smoking cigar, beedi and cigarette, using snuff, chewing tobacco, arecanut and lime and the use of tea, tamarind and mustard are totally avoided. No caste or professional titles should be used. Superstitions, funeral rites etc., are dispelled. Except simple pure white clothes, no other dresses such as shirts, trousers etc., and colour dresses are used. No hair-cutting or shaving. Religion is Religion of God and caste is Human. In short the samajam has to lead a life in accordance with nature.


Agriculture is chef means for livelihood. Others are trade and crafts. Samajam is meant for one to live by his own work without depending on others. There is no compulsion in talking work. One can do any work. Whatever they do, it must be done to together and the fruits are enjoyed equally, commonly and collectively. None is paid for his labour. Instead, their labour as well as their life is dedicated to promote the supreme cult of the samajam.

The samajists carry on agriculture by hard-working in the samajam landed property; but the produce is very low due to the poor quality of land and water scarcity. Hence they are resorted to the production and sale of ayurvedic medicines. It is from the income derived out of these, the primary needs of ashramites such as food, clothing etc.; child care and education, treatment of sick, reception of guests, annadan (serving food), management of samajam, karthika festival etc., are met. Thus the income of the samajam is wholly used for public charitable purposes and no part of it is spend for any selfish activity.